Thursday, April 26, 2012

The List - Roses in my Garden

These are the roses that I grow in my garden. 
For those who live nearby I could offer some cuttings. 
Just choose from my list of roses and leave a message.
I'll be more than happy to see the population of roses growing.
Anything, for a flowery world!

Acestia sunt trandafirii din gradina mea. 
Celor care locuiesc in apropiere le pot oferi butasi. 
Doar alegeti din lista si lasati un mesaj.
Voi fi foarte fericita sa vad populatia de trandafiri crescand.
Orice, pentru o lume mai inflorita! :)

Gallica / Moss / Damask / Centifolia / Alba
- Leda
- Great Maiden's Blush / Cuisse de Nymphe
- Konigin von Denmark
- Felicite Parmentier
- Belle Isis
- Nuits de Young
- Omar Khayyam
- Gallica Officinalis
- Ispahan
- Kazanlik
- Quatre Saisons
- Fantin-Latour
- Centifolia
- Alba Maxima

- Crimson Glory
- Madame Isaac Pereire
- Gloire de Dijon
- Marechal Niel
- Guinee

English Roses
- Jude the Obscure
- Lady Emma Hamilton
- Scepter d'Isle
- Summer Song

All the others - Remontants
- La France
- Viridiflora
- Rose de Rescht
- Comtesse Cecile de Chabrillant
- La Reine
- Louise Odier
- Baron Girod de l'Ain
- Comte de Chambord
- Louis XIV
- Reine des Violettes
- Hansa
- Stanwell Perpetual
- Baccara
- Chrysler Imperial

I have also some other roses, but they are still too young to have cuttings from them. Watch them grow and ask later :)
- Rhapsody in Blue
- Abraham Darby
- Caprice de Meilland
- Harlequin
- Golden Gate
- Dune
- Laguna
- Ilse Krohn Superior
- Rosarium Uetersen

There are also some unknown roses. I will ask your opinion on them, maybe we'll be able to find their names. Later. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Intoxicating Fragranced Roses - Nuits de Young

"Nuits de Young", syns Black Moss, Old Black.
Bred by Jean Laffay (France, 1845).

One of the most famous Mosses.The English poet Edward Young (1683-1765) and his poem "Night Thoughts" are commemorated by the anglophile Laffay. The flowers, like his writings, are striking and dark, deepest burgundy velvet lit by golden stamens.

This rose wants to have a place in full sunlight, despite the very dark colour of its blooms, changing from deepest purple to blueish-grey with age, which is not unpleasant in this case. The flowers are quite small, but - what a show! The few visible bright yellow stamens do the trick (just like "Tuscany superb").

It is a small, not very strong-growing, bushy rose, best planted in groups or as a low hedge. It is (like all mosses) very susceptible to rust and mildew. It doesn't like too much humidity as well as in the air or in the ground.

Moss. Dark purple, lighter shading while aging, golden-yellow stamens.
Strong fragrance.
Medium, semi-double to double, cluster-flowered, in small clusters, flat bloom form.
Once-blooming spring or summer.
Mossed buds.
Short, bushy, upright.
Height of 4' to 5' (120 to 150 cm). Width of 3' to 4' (90 to 120 cm).
Zone 3. Can be used for garden or hedge. Prefers full sun.

Award fo Garden Merit in 2001 from the Royal Horticultural Society Show.

"Tired Nature's sweet restorer, balmy Sleep!
(...) And Midnight, universal Midnight, reigns."

The first and last verse of "Night Thoughts", Edward Young.