Monday, March 26, 2012

Intoxicating Fragranced Roses - La France

La France is a rose bred by Jean-Baptiste Guillot le fils (1867). Seedling of Madame Falcot rose.

It is generally accepted to be the first Hybrid Tea rose, and for this reason, its introduction is considered to be the birth of the Modern Rose era. In fact, according to Mr Paul Barden, there were other two roses that preceeded La France and are considered to be Hybrid Teas: Cheshunt Hybrid and Madame Lacharme, both dated 1872.

The flowers are large, full, 60 petals, light pink and somehow pearled... Simply beautiful.

The fragrance is very interesting. Strong, yet elusive, it reminds me a very fine and subtle Parisian perfume. And I find there also some thalassic hints.

It blooms continuously throughout the season, even in late autumn. In my garden there were a few blooms surprised by the freeze in December.

Height of 3' 60 5' (90 to 150 cm). Width of 3' (90 cm).

Zone 7, it requires freeze protection.

There is also a climbing sport of this rose, discovered by Peter Henderson (USA, 1893), height of up to 12' (365 cm), zone 6.

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