Monday, March 5, 2012

Roses for Shady Locations

First, it's never about full shadow, but only partial shadow. Your roses need at least 3-4 hours of sun, preferably the morning sunlight. Otherwise, forget about it. Your roses will not bloom and after a few years they will die.

Second, make sure that the soil is never damp, but moist and fertile, offering a good drainage too. Prune the roses regularly to maintain good air circulation and reduce the risk of fungal infections. Also, prune the canes to as little as one-third their length in Spring, while the roses are dormant, to correct their sparse growth, due to lack of sun.

Now, what roses to grow in shady locations? They must be selected from those which are known to be hardy and disease-resistant, and, generally, the closer a rose to the true species, or the less hybridization in its background, the more adaptable will be.
So, select them from the true species and their closely related hybrids, the group of older garden roses such as the Gallicas, Damasks and Albas; and, in warmer areas, from more tender groups such as the Chinas. Most ramblers do well in shade as well.

Myself, I prefer roses with good fragrance, among other required features. So, this will be my list for shady spots:
- as a rose at a woodland site: Rosa Rugosa, Stanwell Perpetual, Amelia, Parfum de l'Hay
- for shady locations: Rosa Alba, Kazanlik, Great Maiden's Blush, Mme Isaac Pereire, Souvenir du Dr Jamain, Pompon Blanc Parfait, Louis XIV, Louise Odier, Shady Lady, Alba Semi-Plena, A Longues Pedoncules, Agatha, Agathe Incarnata, Agnes, Alexander Girault, Alister Stella Gray, Belle Poitevine, Autumn Sunset, Blanc Double de Coubert, Blanchefleur, Celeste, Conrad F. Meyer, Felicite Parmentier, Gypsy Boy, Festive Jewel, Konigin von Denmark, Long John Silver, Mme Gregoire Staechelin, Reine des Violettes, Roseraie de l'Hay, Russeliana, Sarah van Fleet,
- shady location and even a North wall: Ena Harkness climber, The Garland (moschata), Zephirine Drouhin, Goldbusch, Wedding Day (rambler), Paul's Hymalaian Musk, Mme Alfred Carriere, Golden Dawn, Rosa Alba Maxima, Aimee Vibert, Alchymist, Casino, Columbian Climber

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